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Energy Future - What Is Energy of Shale Gas? India to Become a Hub of Shale Gas

The energy needs of people worldwide are primarily oil, coal and natural gas. Major supplier of oil and natural gas are the Gulf countries. In the last decade, the rights of persons in the world has been affected as crude oil and natural gas rates have soared many times. This has made the economic rights of people in countries like America, China and India that are large importer. In the next decade, oil and natural gas consumption should increase by several times. In the near future, shale gas energy is to protect the rights of people to make energy available at reasonable rates. Sufficient reserves of shale gas energy to meet future demand of the population is checked in America, China and India.. In wastewater centrifuge , the energy of gas shale rock has very low carbon emissions compared to many other sources of energy. The energy of gas shale rock will solve the problem of the environment pollution created by growing industry in developed countries and developing countries.
In the near future, gas shale has the potential to replace imported oil and natural gas from limited stocks with the Gulf countries. New techniques have been developed by the United States which makes the production of shale gas cheaper than oil and gas imports at current rates. New techniques have been developed, where a liquid, chemicals and sand is injected into the sources of energy horizontal shale rock to break the chains of the energy of exhaust gas to the surface. The energy reserves of gas shale will stimulate economic growth, help reduce carbon emissions and reduce dependence on energy imports from the Arab world by the United States, China and India. According to figures available on the Internet today, the energy of U.S. shale gas contributes 14 percent of its total production. U.S. seeks to meet its gas needs from sources in overall energy rock shale.
Energy shale gas is defined as the energy of natural gas from shale formations. The shale is both source and reservoir of natural gas. The most significant trend in U.S. production of natural gas is rapidly increasing production from shale formations. To a large extent this is due to significant advances in the use of horizontal drilling and well stimulation technology and refinement in cost-effectiveness of these technologies. Hydraulic fracturing is the most important of them. There is tremendous energy resources of natural gas to the United States, Poland, Germany, France and Sweden, and there are huge areas of shale gas to India and China. Recent reports estimate that the Indian company ONGC claims 35-90 trillion cubic feet of shale gas, identified.
In addition, India's Reliance is already working to explore the potential of producing 10 billion cubic feet of shale gas in the KG basin. Reliance has also invested 3.6 billion dollars in energy assets shale gas in the United States. India ONGC says there are many shale formations of energy in each basin cumulative thickness available anywhere in the field of shale gas. India will be self-sufficient in its energy needs from gas shale in the next decade. India is considered one of the largest holders of the shale gas energy. Large deposits are located in the Gangetic plain, Assam, and Rajasthan and along the extensive coastline of the country. India has committed to international experts on shale gas.
In recent years, India is reluctant to negotiate the import of gas from Iraq through Pakistan. Project Pipe Plant oil is reported that India does not trust Pakistan and gas rates are increasingly demanded by Iran.
U.S. helped India to prepare the means to increase its nuclear energy sources. I believe that if similar support is available in India from the U.S., India needs to import gas from Iran through the pipeline will become superfluous.
Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 was accepted by most countries. Declaration of Human Rights affirms that all peoples of the world are equal and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. If the spirit of human rights is applied to the limited resources of energy, peace in the world itself reaches.

Ideology Without Rational Restraint Corrupts Common Sense - Huge Unrealized Oil Reserves!

Striving for the ideals in life has raised the human animal from cave-dwelling to lives of plenty, ease and culture, however - should there not be reasoned control on penalizing excesses? When automobile gasoline prices rise to levels of $3 and $4 a gallon, the pain and outcry resounds across the nation. Yet, the elite of our congressional leaders, currently the liberal Democrats, force us to fuel our cars and heat our homes by being beholden to foreign dictators: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela - paying out $400 million dollars a day - and with a going-bankrupt treasury - this despite our country having immense oil resources. Where is common sense?
For over 30 years, environmentalists in Congress have prevented drilling for oil in US coastal waters, our oil-rich Outer Continental Shelf. In Alaska, the ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), can deliver over a million barrels of oil a day - also blocked. All that is needed to be opened is a tiny, flat, treeless area, a barren 2000 of the 19 million acres (postage-stamp-size on a football field) - but blocked by ideologues. Also banned is oil shale refining - although we have the largest supply in the world, billions of potential gallons of diesel and jet fuel - blocked by Congress. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to reduce our dependency on foreign oil - yet today, we are more dependent than ever. Rasmussen polls say over sixty per cent of Americans are in favor of lifting the ban on offshore drillings and shale - yet a year ago, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out voting on the subject. Where is common sense in America? Why should ideology be so unreasoned and illogical?
Food waste centrifuge of liberal, environmental extremism proceeds on apace - in California's Central Valley, once the farm-land bread-basket for the country, water is denied because of the (endangered) Delta smelt - thousands of acres of farmland reduced to draught condition (Senator Boxer, a stalwart advocate of liberal ideology, accused by a competitor-candidate for her Senate seat as "putting the needs of a two-inch fish over people"); thousands of farm-hands are out-of-work because of the ideology. Such thinking has even infected the Obama Health Care Reform Bill - in California, one of the (supposedly eliminated) "earmarks" is iron-fisted union demands that their workers get the government-funded "green' jobs rather than experienced, non-union companies - despite employees having the requisite job skills. So it goes - when ideology runs amok, common sense seems to become corrupted!

National Debt, Jobs, And The Coming Energy Revolution

"These are times that try men's souls."
Since 2008, we have spent trillions to jump-start the economy with little or no perceptible results. Meanwhile, in our nation's capital our "leadership"- Congress and the administration- are arguing about the bar bill on the Titanic rather than focusing on the one major opportunity, energy, that can resolve the fiscal mess that they have created over the past 30 years. The country is at the cusp of an energy revolution, which if exploited will spawn a second industrial revolution.
The new exploration and drilling technologies have resulted in the expansion of our domestic oil and natural gas reserves. The recoverable natural gas reserves alone are estimated at 2,170 trillion cubic feet (TCF). These reserves are composed of liquid and natural gas (LNG) which can be processed into propane, benzene, etc. The natural gas reserves alone can make the U.S. the number one producer and exporter of energy for the next hundred years, and solve our fiscal, GDP growth and unemployment problems.
In 18 years, the world's energy requirements are forecast to grow from 87 billion barrels of oil to 99 billion barrels. The energy revolution would add millions of jobs in extraction, infrastructure, support and service activities, and the cheaper energy could result in repatriating some of the manufacturing and service jobs that were ceded to other countries. The economies of the U.S. and the 33 states that contain shale deposits within their borders would flourish. North Dakota, at the forefront of the energy revolution, has an unemployment rate of 3.5%, well below the national average.
To put the energy issue in perspective, the U.S. consumes 7.3 billion barrels of oil a year (20 million a day), of which 4.2 billion are imported (valued at $ 336 trillion). Of that number, approximately 20% (valued at $70 trillion) is imported from the Middle East. A recent Goldman Sacks report predicts that by 2017, America will produce 10.9 million barrels of oil a day, and become the largest oil producer surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. The increase will come largely from the shale natural gas and oil deposits that cover most of the country. By 2025, with a common sense energy policy, we could be self-sufficient and net exporters of energy. That would wipe out the $336 trillion that we now pay foreign governments, and we would enjoy a surplus in our balance of payment account. Countries in Europe and Asia currently pay $8 to $12 for a cf of LNG, which is currently selling at the well head for $1 cf. The revenue potential from exporting oil and natural gas is enormous. The only impediments are the number of drilling rigs available, and the dogged determination of the environmentalist to frustrate progress.
Our energy policy should at a minimum encompass the following:
Mandate that by: - 2018, all new cars and trucks must be hybrids: electric and natural gas or petroleum and natural gas. - 2030, all cars and trucks be built to operate on clean energy sources-electric or natural gas.
Mandate a minimum 50 MPG performance standard for all new cars and light trucks by 2020.
Mandate that by 2020, all utilities, manufacturing facilities, large malls, and skyscrapers that now use fossil fuels switch to natural gas. All new homes and structures built after 2020 to use clean energy.
Eliminate all subsidies to oil, ethanol and all other energy producers, and consider a program to subsidize the conversion of vehicles and homes to natural gas. Accelerate permits for drilling and infrastructure requirements-pipe lines, refineries, port facilities, etc.-provided that Chemical screw centrifuge adhere to a set of rational environmental regulations.
We should continue to pursue the renewable energy initiatives with the realization that:
80% of our energy consumption is used to power vehicles, and there is no viable cost-effective clean energy alternative on the horizon other than natural gas, and electricity (which requires a secondary energy source-natural gas, oil, coal or nuclear power-to generate in the quantities that would be required).
The other forms of renewable energy have limitations, are not likely to be cost-effective in the near term, and are decades away from implementation to make a dent in our energy requirements. We need a transition strategy to bridge the gap until the third industrial revolution-renewable energy-becomes a reality.
To assume leadership as a net exporter of energy, and to meet our clean energy needs, we require a dose of common sense applied to the environmental issues, and the leadership of Congress and the administration to make it a reality. Given the on/off situation with off shore drilling, fracture stimulation, and the Keystone pipeline, the application of common sense to the energy issue does not appear to be the order of the day in the nation's capitol. Instead, the politicos are mired in the cesspool of special interests groups-oil, automotive, alternative energy companies, farmers, ethanol producers, and environmentalist. As long as these special interest groups are willing to fund the coffers of our politicians, we will never have a rational energy policy. The administration has adeptly delayed the Keystone pipeline until after the 2012 elections, a blatant maneuver to curry favor with the special interest groups that are against the pipeline, ostensibly because the pipeline would contaminate the aquifer which supplies water to the region. The facts are that 25 billion barrels of oil have flown through the 25,000 miles of pipeline within the Ogallala aquifer - 2000 of which are located in Nebraska-with no catastrophic effect. The morally corrupt politicians have traded jobs for votes and campaign contributions. Is it any wonder the people are disenchanted with the government?
Energy, jobs, national debt, and our anemic growth rate are today's problems that must be addressed and solved today, if the country is to grow and prosper. The global warming issue is tomorrows' problem, which, if there is actually a problem, will be solved tomorrow. Running the world on cost-effective renewable energy is a dream that should be pursued, but not at the exclusion of other viable clean energy resources. Once or perhaps twice in a century there is a game changing opportunity to raise the country and its people to the next level The energy revolution provides the opportunity to jump start our economy, create jobs, become energy independent, solve our balance of payment imbalance, reduce the national debt, and stop importing oil from the Middle East. We have fought two wars for oil with a cost of trillions of dollars, and the loss of over 6,000 men and women. We are at the cusp of ceding our world leadership role because our so-called leadership is not willing to stand up to special interest groups and implement a rational energy policy that would revitalize the economy.
The special interest groups play a major role in stymieing the development and implementation of a rational energy policy. Our morally corrupt leadership has not risen to the task. Accordingly, the lone recourse left to the people is to demand a constitutional amendment that provides for a one-term limit-the president and Senate, six years, House, four years-with federally funded elections. The country would be better served if the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party adherents move their protests to the fifty state capitals, and demand that the state legislators call a constitutional convention to propose and implement the 28th amendment- one term limit and federal funded elections. The 28th amendment should be a priority for both groups if we are to sever the symbiotic relations between politicians and the special interest groups that fund their campaigns. Only then will rationality and common sense prevail in the nation's capital.
"Throw the bums out"was the often heard refrain at Ebbets field in the 1930's/40's when the Brooklyn Dodgers fans were not satisfied with the performance of their team, a frequent occurrence in those years. Accordingly, it's appropriate that the performance of our so called "leaders" be treated with the same refrain.
sludge dewatering centrifuge reserved

Global Oil Shale Market

Global oil shale resources can supply more than 2.8 trillion barrels of nonrenewable energy. This is almost three times the capacity of crude oil reserves. Currently, the cost of retorting oil from oil shale is higher than the cost of crude oil production. Although this factor has kept many companies out of the market so far, cutting-edge research is now being undertaken across the globe to reduce the cost of production. One such study by Shell seeks to cut production costs to less than $25 per barrel. These developments within the same industry can soon open up tremendous market opportunities for all the industry stakeholders. In addition to the extracted fuel oil, oil shale yields several other sub-products like lubricating oil which also possess huge market potential.
This report will be the first of its kind to study the oil shale market on the basis of each market segment. It provides vital market data and also strategically discusses market opportunities for the stakeholders in the oil shale market.
Key Take-aways
• To measure the current global oil shale market in terms of its various segments, which are products, applications, and retorting technology processes. • To analyze the oil shale market's current business model in various geographies. • To study the key market events in terms of industry insights and political trends. • To evaluate market opportunities for stakeholders by identifying the focus areas within the market. To strategically analyze the competitive landscape and to discuss the participation of the market's top companies.
Scope and Format
The oil shale market or more specifically the Kerogen market is segmented according to the extracted products, applications, technologies, and geographies. Each section will provide market data, market drivers, trends and opportunities, and key players. In order to provide a comprehensive market insight, the report's market tables are also categorized on the basis of revenues generated by each product, application, technology, and geography. The report also highlights the strategic issues involved in tapping the oil shale market, which is expected to dominate the world market for nonrenewable energy.
The intended audiences will be: • Oil shale companies • Petroleum Companies • Energy Companies • Mining companies • Technology Providers
Research Methodology
The global oil shale market is analyzed and forecast for the period 2015 to 2030. The market forecasts are based on primary and secondary research data. The market structure is designed on the basis of secondary research on the product portfolios of oil shale and energy companies. This structure is cross-validated through primaries conducted with industry players. The secondary research was based on paid sources such as Factiva and basic internet search using associations, company websites and news articles.
Each section of the report offers market data with respect to segments and geography. It also provides market trends with respect to drivers, restraints and opportunities. The report contains strategic section with respect to competitive landscape and market overview. The report will encompass around 15 company profiles.
• What are the key market dynamics influencing the market trends? • Where are key opportunities available to the market players to capitalize on? • What are the competitive strategies increasingly adopted to combat competition?
What makes our report unique?
• Provision of longest market segmentation in the industry. & solid bowl decanter centrifuge provides analysis of patents and more than 20 company profiles giving a competitive outlook. • The report includes market data for segments such as tools, services and applications for the major geographies - North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and ROW. • The high level analysis provided by the report analyzes the market prospective for different major market segments along with the identification of opportunities. • Provided competitive analysis stating the major segments focused by the global market players and the key developments - equipments, devices and technology.
Key questions answered
• Which are the high growth markets segments in terms of devices and consumables? • What are the market forecasts and estimates from the period 2009-12? • What are the major drivers and opportunities in the market?
What is the competitive outlook, what are the major tools and services, who are the major players in the market segments?

The Importance of Transload Facilities in Shale Gas Extraction

The natural gas industry in the US is experiencing its Golden Age with the discovery of extremely high volumes of shale deposits and natural gas locked inside of them. With that, the demand for raw materials and chemicals to use for the process has become intensive. As we all know, fracking is a very unique method that utilizes sand, chemicals and water and very high pressure in order to release the gases from the crevices of the shale, allow the cracks to open and keep it in a good condition. two phase decanter involved in fracking requires a lot of materials and all these materials are sourced from different locations. That is why the transload facilities are very important.
The transload facilities are tools like vehicles and paths in which commodities are transported from one area to another. Let us say a company uses high quality frac sand from Wisconsin and it should head all the way to Pennsylvania. It is necessary to use transload facilities in order to minimize the risks and to make the whole transportation fast, efficient and that it also saves money. These are the reasons why transload facilities are necessary and are heavily used for the natural gas and oil industry. With the demand for materials to keep the processes going, it is necessary to use the right kind of tools to ensure quality results at the end of the day.
In the last decade, the transloading facilities have experienced quite a downturn due to issues being linked to hydraulic fracking methods. Nonetheless, with the increasing awareness regarding the topic of drilling and making wells in general as well as other factors that could be linked to the fracking services, the transload facilities will definitely experience some improvement in order to take advantage of the bountiful gas reserves underneath the earth.
The main goal for transloading is to minimize the cost that is spent on delivering materials from the supplier to the site. The materials such as chemicals as well as sand are delivered from one area to another by means of using numerous transportation channels to safely and effectively deliver the goods and ensure their safety and security at the end of the day.
Since different transportation tools are used for the transloading of raw materials, there are numerous risks that need to be addressed in the process. First is the security. How sturdy and safe are the chemical containers? Is the truck temperature controlled? Are there any leakages in the truck? How are the products delivered? Are there any water supplies affected by the transloading? These are very important questions and they are always being answered by these companies who deliver good s day in and day out to keep the natural gas extraction going.
There may be two phase centrifuge regarding the actual fracking service but it is also a big question as to how effective are the experts in transporting the goods from the source to the Marcellus Shale or other areas where natural gas is extracted.

What Is Fracking And Should We Be Nervous About It?

What is fracking? It probably is a term new to many people but it's definitely becoming a popular topic in the media. Fracking is a controversial process used to extract gas from shale rock formations found thousands of feet below the earth's crust. The process involves drilling into the surface of the earth and then triggering small explosions to crack and shatter the hard shale rock in order to release the gas contained inside. Sand, water and many highly corrosive chemicals are forced into the rock at high pressure allowing the gas and crude oil to flow out before being extracted by energy companies. The process can be used to create new sources of oil and gas or to enlarge existing operations. The drilling can be carried out vertically but horizontal drilling is more common.
The name fracking comes from a longer name for the process, hydraulic fracturing. The rock is theoretically fractured and this is often referred to as a 'frac job'.
The process is highly controversial mostly due to the "unknown" as experts cannot agree on just how dangerous the technique is. A primary concern is that fracking uses many carcinogenic chemicals and the fear is that these chemicals may potentially find their way into natural water sources and pose a major threat to the users. Industry experts however point out that drinking water is generally found within a few hundred feet of the surface whereas most fracking is taking place several thousand feet below the surface.
Left wing geologists have recently stated that the fracking process was a probable cause in the triggering of two minor earthquakes off the English coast. The energy industry obviously denies the process is at fault and blames bad practices as opposed to a bad technique. The extraction of shale gas using fracking is also being seen as a potential cause of further global warming as shale gas is found in many locations and is often seen as a cheaper alternative to renewable energy sources. The truth is that natural gas has a much smaller carbon foot print than either coal or oil so it's a great solution for reducing pollution. Those who fantasize about wind and solar replacing fossil fuels have never done their research. With current technology it's impossible for alternatives to become the primary source of energy. Additionally, no one ever talks about the toxic ingredients that go into manufacturing solar panels and the batteries used to power electric cars (another inconvenient truth).
Fracking is causing high speed centrifuge price heated debates between concerned individuals and energy companies. Currently energy companies are looking into ways of creating longer and deeper cracks in the earth allowing more gas to be extracted. This will obviously lower the extraction cost of the gas, this has caused uproar among opponents and environmentalists. In general the idea of using these aggressive techniques will always cause fear mongering and hand wringing because of the unknown long-term consequences.
Fracking is not likely to go away any time soon as energy companies see it as a cost-effective way of extracting more and more natural gas. As new processes continue to evolve concerns will continue to linger and even grow. As we have said there are always concerns over any new process and they will either eventually diminish or there will be a major disaster like the opponents are predicting. Only time will tell and as it is with most things we are bound to continue to push the boundaries until someone finds an issue.

Energy Future - What Is Energy of Shale Gas? India to Become a Hub of Shale Gas

The energy needs of people worldwide are primarily oil, coal and natural gas. Major supplier of oil and natural gas are the Gulf countries. In the last decade, the rights of persons in the world has been affected as crude oil and natural gas rates have soared many times. This has made the economic rights of people in countries like America, China and India that are large importer. In the next decade, oil and natural gas consumption should increase by several times. In the near future, shale gas energy is to protect the rights of people to make energy available at reasonable rates. Sufficient reserves of shale gas energy to meet future demand of the population is checked in America, China and India.. In addition, the energy of gas shale rock has very low carbon emissions compared to many other sources of energy. The energy of gas shale rock will solve the problem of the environment pollution created by growing industry in developed countries and developing countries.
In the near future, gas shale has the potential to replace imported oil and natural gas from limited stocks with the Gulf countries. New techniques have been developed by the United States which makes the production of shale gas cheaper than oil and gas imports at current rates. New techniques have been developed, where a liquid, chemicals and sand is injected into the sources of energy horizontal shale rock to break the chains of the energy of exhaust gas to the surface. The energy reserves of gas shale will stimulate economic growth, help reduce carbon emissions and reduce dependence on energy imports from the Arab world by the United States, China and India. According to figures available on the Internet today, the energy of U.S. shale gas contributes 14 percent of its total production. mud cleaning equipment .S. seeks to meet its gas needs from sources in overall energy rock shale.
Energy shale gas is defined as the energy of natural gas from shale formations. The shale is both source and reservoir of natural gas. The most significant trend in U.S. production of natural gas is rapidly increasing production from shale formations. To a large extent this is due to significant advances in the use of horizontal drilling and well stimulation technology and refinement in cost-effectiveness of these technologies. Hydraulic fracturing is the most important of them. There is tremendous energy resources of natural gas to the United States, Poland, Germany, France and Sweden, and there are huge areas of shale gas to India and China. Recent reports estimate that the Indian company ONGC claims 35-90 trillion cubic feet of shale gas, identified.
In addition, India's Reliance is already working to explore the potential of producing 10 billion cubic feet of shale gas in the KG basin. Reliance has also invested 3.6 billion dollars in energy assets shale gas in the United States. India ONGC says there are many shale formations of energy in each basin cumulative thickness available anywhere in the field of shale gas. India will be self-sufficient in its energy needs from gas shale in the next decade. India is considered one of the largest holders of the shale gas energy. Large deposits are located in the Gangetic plain, Assam, and Rajasthan and along the extensive coastline of the country. India has committed to international experts on shale gas.
In recent years, India is reluctant to negotiate the import of gas from Iraq through Pakistan. Project Pipe Plant oil is reported that India does not trust Pakistan and gas rates are increasingly demanded by Iran.
U.S. helped India to prepare the means to increase its nuclear energy sources. I believe that if similar support is available in India from the U.S., India needs to import gas from Iran through the pipeline will become superfluous.
Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 was accepted by most countries. Declaration of Human Rights affirms that all peoples of the world are equal and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. If the spirit of human rights is applied to the limited resources of energy, peace in the world itself reaches.

Shales For Oil and Gas in Texas

Climate change forces us to overhaul the way we lead our lives and our fragile relationship with our world. horizontal centrifuge supplier from too much carbon emissions constrain environmentalists and legislators to look for alternatives to meet the growing energy needs while limiting damage to the ozone layer.
This is the reason why natural gas extraction is slowly emerging as the future of sustainable and renewable energy source, getting the nod of green advocates and oil and other minerals industry experts alike because, compared to coal-fired energy sources, natural gas cuts carbon footprints by as much as 80 percent in optimum conditions. Not to mention its versatile nature: did you know for example that natural gas can be harnessed to generate electricity, cook food, and even power up cars?
In the U.S., the oil and gas industry of Texas remains to be one of the biggest. In fact, the state is being listed as one of the major plays, along with Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, New Mexico, West Virginia, Kentucky, New York Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. By the way, a "play" in oil and other minerals industry parlance is defined simply as a geographic location with potential reserves.
Texas, it turns out, happens to be covered with shallow seas 65 million years ago, forging a sedimentary rock with very high organic content that are cooked and pressurized by intense heat to produce oil and gas. sludge centrifuge supplier resulting chemical formation that produces Texas oil and gas is known as the Eagle Ford shale. But shales have several types as well:
Marcellus shale
This is named due to its proximity in the village of Marcellus in New York. Although still largely untapped, companies recognize its potential particularly its nearness to energy cities in the East Coast. Sedimentation in this case occurred around 400 million years ago.
Haynesville Shale
These rock formations can be found in East Texas and northwest Louisiana. It has a very high absorptive capacity compared to other shales. Geologists believe the deposits started during the Upper Jurassic age around 170 million years ago.
Fayetteville Shale
This sedimentary deposit is spread across north and central Arkansas, with shales buried more than 6,000 feet deep. It is believed to originate some 300 million years ago.
Barnett Shale
Considered to have one of the biggest oil reserves in the United States, it stretches to 6,000 square miles covering 17 counties in Texas. The geological formations trace back 300 million years back during the Mississippian age.